Call For Papers


Contributed papers are solicited describing original works in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Topics and technical areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:


Machine Learning

Deep and Reinforcement Learning
Machine Learning for Network Slicing Optimization
Machine Learning for 5G system
Machine Learning for User Behavior Prediction
New Innovative Machine Learning Methods
Optimization of Machine Learning Methods
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms
Experimental evaluations of machine learning
Machine learning for multimedia
Machine learning for Internet of Things
Machine learning for security and protection
Distributed and decentralized machine learning algorithms
Intelligent cloud-support communications
Intelligent ressource allocation
Intelligent energy-aware/green communications
Intelligent software defined networks
Intelligent cooperative networks
Intelligent positioning and navigation systems
Intelligent wireless communications
Intelligent wireless sensor networks
Intelligent underwater sensor networks


Applications of Machine Learning In:

Medicine, Health, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Industrial and Engineering Applications
Security Applications
Smart Cities and Autonomous Driving
Game Playing and Problem Solving
Intelligent Virtual Environments
Economics, Business and Forecasting Applications, Etc.


Natural Language Processing

Phonetics, phonology, and morphology
Syntax, semantics, discourse, pragmatics, dialogue, and lexicon
Mathematical, statistical, machine learning and deep learning models
Electronic dictionaries, terminologies and ontologies
Semantic role labelling
Word-sense disambiguation
Multiword expressions
Language generation
Speech recognition
Text-to-speech synthesis
Multilingual NLP
Knowledge acquisition
Information retrieval
Text categorisation
Information extraction
Text summarisation
Terminology extraction
Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
Dialogue systems
Computer-aided language learning
NLP for biomedical texts and healthcare
NLP for the Semantic web